Food Vendor Application
SATURDAY, JUNE 7th, 2025 10am – 6pm
SUNDAY, JUNE 8th, 2025 10am – 5pm
We are pleased to invite you to apply for a booth space in this year’s Festival - and a special thanks to all who participated last year. We will be accepting a total of approximately 270 artists and craftsmen. Our Festival is a two-day event and all exhibitors must participate both days. There is no teardown Saturday evening and security is provided overnight.
- The Montrose Arts & Crafts Festival is a juried Festival. Only work conceived and executed by the applicant is acceptable. Decisions of the jury are final. We reserve the right to refuse entrance to any exhibitor whose work is not approved by the jury. Any artist found selling items not made by them may be asked to leave without a refund of their entry fee. The following items are not permitted at the Festival: imported goods, commercially manufactured goods, resale items, items assembled from kits or any mass-produced goods. NOTE: If your setup requires ice you must provide it yourself. Montrose A&C no longer provides free ice.
- All prepared food vendors and prepackaged food vendorsmust secure a Los Angeles County Health Department permit as follows: Email your completed Community Event Temporary Food Facility Application (TFF) directly to [email protected] or to [email protected] no later than March 15, 2024. MSPA will collect all applications and permit fees on behalf of the L.A. County Dept. of Public Health. Your PayPal link to submit your fee as either “DPH Prepared Food Booth Permit,” “DPH Prepackaged Food Booth Permit” or “DPH Prepackaged with Sampling Food Booth Permit” can be found on the Arts & Crafts page of our website: NOTE: If you have a Food Truck or Cart, please provide us with a copy of your DPH permit. If you have an annual DPH permit as a vendor in our Sunday Harvest Market, you must provide us with a copy of your annual permit to avoid being charged the TFF fee.
- Applications: New applicants: please submit a photograph of your booth set-up and a complete menu including beverages you intend to sell. If you participated last year, photographs are not required with your application. Menus should be submitted only if they have changed.
- Application Deadline: submit your application as soon as possible: online on our website on the Arts & Crafts page link or by US Mail. If mailing, send to:
Montrose Arts & Crafts Festival
P.O. Box 782
Montrose, CA 91021
Or you may submit your application by email to: [email protected] - Vendor Fees: $450.00 for a 10’ X 10’ space, $550.00 for a 10’ X 20’+ or $300 for a “cart” space or a food truck.
Food vendor fees include the cost of the space, electricity (if needed) and liability insurance for this event. Fees do not include worker’s compensation insurance, if you have any paid employees. - Notification: Do not pay your fee until you have been notified that your application has been accepted.
- Space Fee Payment: may be paid using your credit card by accessing our PayPal link on the Arts & Crafts page of our website, If you choose to pay by check or money order, make payable to “MSPA” and mail payment to:
Montrose Arts & Crafts Festival
P.O. Box 782
Montrose, CA 91021 - Assignments: No space assignment will be guaranteed at the time of application, but we will give every possible consideration to our longstanding and returning participants. Once your space has been assigned to you, NO CHANGES WILL BE MADE.
- Refunds: No refunds will be given to any exhibitor who cancels less than fifteen (15) days prior to the Festival.
- Contact: Refer all questions and concerns to:
Dale Dawson, Festival Coordinator
Phone 818.541.0699 work or 818.621.0350 cell
Fax 818.541.0699
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Please read all of the enclosed information before filling out the application